Problems of non-contact registration of flows in a hydrodynamic tube

Mikhail M. Novikov, Evgene V. Ippolitov, Serge V. Kamaev, Mikhail A. Markov, Vladimir А. Knyaz, Dmitriy G. Stepaniants

ILIT RAS - Branch of the FSRC Crystallography and Photonics of Russian Academy of Sciences, State Research Institute of Aviation System (GosNIIAS)

The hydrodynamic tube is one of the most effective tools for studying the process of wing flow in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. This makes it possible to study the flow characteristics under controlled conditions and simulate conditions that could not be studied in real flight. Flow visualization methods, such as colored jets or fine particles, allow us to obtain qualitative data on the behavior of the flow, being a valuable tool for understanding the flow features. But it is more interesting to have quantitative flow characteristics that allow us to predict the development of flow processes and develop recommendations for improving safety. The presented research is aimed at developing a system of contactless three-dimensional measurements in a hydrotube based on photogrammetric methods. An original visualization model is proposed that takes into account the effects of refraction in the case of several optical media (air-glass-liquid), which provides spatial accuracy of measurements. This model is implemented in an experimental photogrammetric system, an accuracy estimate is given both for the calibration of the system and for the measurement of the aerodynamic model. The developed method of calibration of the photogrammetric system has demonstrated its applicability to the problem of three-dimensional measurements in a hydrodynamic tube.

three-dimensional measurements, calibration, refraction, optical medium, photogrammetry
