On modeling sections of the railway network based on queuing theory

Maksim L. Zharkov, Anton V. Suprunovsky

Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk State Transport University

In this paper, we proposed a methodology for the mathematical modeling of the movement of trains at railway junctions. It is based on the use of queueing networks of a special type. Sections of the railway network are important for cargo and passenger transportation, as well as international economic interaction. Therefore, their study is an urgent task. We use queuing networks, which allow us to take into account the influence of random factors on the operation of nodes and display the structural features of a particular object in the model. One of the large sections of the Trans-Siberian Railway sections was selected for testing the methodology. In the article, we built the model of its operation in the form of a queuing network with two incoming flows of applications and perform its numerical study. Then we used the results to determine the maximum allowable load and "bottlenecks" in the structure of the transport system and develop recommendations for increasing its throughput.

sections of the railway network, traffic flow, mathematical model, queuing theory, computational experiment
